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Praying behind an Imam who leaves some actions of Sunnah
Is circumcision allowed to be done by a non Muslim doctor?
Wearing the ring engraved with Muhammad Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)
Leaving the acts of worship for the fear of Riya (showing off)
what are some of the benefits of a Righteous child for the parents ?
Helping a individual who is addicted with drugs
Can a disbeliever relative be mahram to a muslim woman ?
How to deal with parents who oppose in practising Sunnah
What to do if Imam speaks falsehood in Friday Khutbah
Can little girls stand between men in rows of Prayer?
Not attending congregational prayer because of street dogs
What to do if beer (alcohol) touches the clothes ?
Saying salam to people of innovation
Staying in house built with interest based loan
How should a Muslim woman’s clothing in front of the disbeliever women?
Can we eat the food of a person whose income is from haraam?
Is the wealth spent on a charity organization run by disbelievers considered as Sadaqah
Mother curses a brother who refuse to attend free-mixing school
How does woman cover her face while doing Umrah, if she pass by men ?
Ruling of giving prohibited food items to Kuffar like food items which are mixed with Alcohol
Difference between meaning of “Salamun Alaikum” and “Assalamu Alykum”
Is seeking help from Jinn, Shirk in all cases ?
Buying products from a company who takes interest based loans
Obtaining citizenship of a non-Muslim country
Ruling of mentioning names of Kuffar while refuting their wrong Ideologies
The Ruling on Living in the Lands of the Disbelievers
The Ruling on Protesting against the insults on the Prophet
Wife refuses to wear Jalbaab and gloves
The Ruling of Wearing Revealing Clothing in front of the Children
Donating blood to muslims and kuffar
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