Obtaining citizenship of a non-Muslim country

Question :

The Questioner: “This is a question from muslims brothers who reside in Canada, the first question: Is it permissible to obtain a canadian citizenship in order to use it for things that benefit the person in his religion, such as making it easier for him to enter generally the gulf countries and to achieve work there and likewise it will make it easier for him to travel with his Canadian passport for business purposes.”

The Shaykh interrupts by saying: “Is this is a religious purpose! , I mean the act of him entering the gulf countries for business, is this a religious purpose! rather it is merely for worldly goals, as for if he intends to call to Allah there or if there is a benefit in his presence there, while it doesn’t consequence to any harm (i.e. then that is a religious purpose), however as for the act of a person obtaining a citizenship in the land of the kuffaar while he is not in a state of daroorah (need) for it then it is not appropriate that he does so and these reasons which was previously read (in the question) has nothing of that sort, it is merely for worldly purposes, in order that he goes to the gulf countries so that he can work and for him to start business , all of these reasons are for worldly purposes.”

The Questioner: “So it is not permissible for him to obtain the citizenship?”

The Shaykh: “As I said that he cannot resort to that except in a state of a daroorah (i.e. a dire need)”

The Questioner (goes on to the read the rest of the question):“Bearing in mind that it will be possible to obtain it after legally residing in their country for a (long) period of time and also bearing in mind that it will be possible to obtain it without making an oath or a convent (i.e. a pledge) upon respecting their law system and without making a convent (i.e. a pledge) upon being their allies in any war or similar to that of such convents?”

The Shaykh: “In all cases, the fact that a person is in a dire need, then it is a must that he is capable of preserving all of the affairs of his religion there and while it does not occur from him any form of co-operation or resigning (from something of the religion) or leniency or entry in a matter which is not permissible or embarking upon a matter that is unlawful in order to obtain the citizenship, so along with the matter of it being a daroorah, it is a must that these conditions be met”

The Source of Reference: Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin’s Sharh of Sunan Abi Daawud , tape 370, On Min 16:44 to 18:44.

Answered by : Al-Allaamah , Ash-Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad, may Allah preserve him

Noted by abu fajr abdulfattah bin uthman as – Somali.
Source : Silsilat ul-hudā wa nnūr ~ the series of guidance and light ~ tape no. 697


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