
Allaah ordered with patience. Patience is considered strength. Patience is steadfastness. Patience is from the obedience of Allaah.

Ruling on touching the Mushaf without Wudhu

Do you know the severest way the salafi dawah is hit?

The tattoo in regards to the man is a worse condition

Does one fast the six days of Shawwaal immediately or leave some room in between to celebrate ‘Eid and visit relatives

Is it allowed to rejoice at the victory of a disbelieving country over another like it?

Be Sincere to Allah and he will fulfil your wish

Abandoning the Eid prayer in the Musallaa due to the presence of cameras

Are Aal Bayt (The Prophetic Household) allowed to give Zakaat ul-Fitr to other people from Aal Bayt?

Tafseer of acknowledging the blessing and rejecting it

The dua of finishing the Qur’an has in it many legislative oppositions to the Sunnah

Condition of a person who rejects the names and attributes of Allah

What has come concerning the one who is not content with the swearing an oath by Allaah

Ruling on swearing by other than Allah

Don’t curse the time, for indeed Allah is the time

Ruling on saying what Allah wills and what Mohammed ﷺ wills

Respecting the Names of Allah and Changing ones name due to that and ruling on Kunyah

Is it permissible to call oneself the Judge of Judges and the likes of it?

Is it permissible to accept the Invitation of Ahlul Bidah to give talks in their Masajid?

The One who Jokes About the Deen of Allah

Close Friends are Enemies except the Righteous

Humans are Indeed Ungrateful – Beneficial Hadith

Hujjah is established upon the muslim committing an act of disbelief before performing his Takfīr

Stance of Ibn Uthaimīn – rahimahullāh – regarding the muslim who commits shirk in ignorance

Is a Muslim who falls into major Shirk out of ignorance to be called a Mushrik immediately or is it only after establishing the proof on them?

Encouragement to take knowledge from the scholars and not from the books directly

Advice to speak Arabic with your family and friends to learn it

What is the condition of Sha’raawi, and what is the condition of his Tafseer and is he to be benefitted from?

What is the ruling on delivering a baby for another women?

What is the ruling on adding women to WhatsApp and Telegram groups?