
Taqiyyah (hiding ones true creed out of fear) belongs to the Rawaafidh, but indeed you’re imitating them in it, and they don’t have with them leave me and I’ll leave you Giving food to non-Muslims during fasting hours Continuing to receive Government support after leaving the country From his characteristics is that he used to rule with equity and justice ﷺ Advice for Sisters in the West about their Marriage and Hijrah Giving poor disbelievers money from the obligatory Zakāt A Muslim does not inherit from a disbeliever, and vice versa Is Yemen, the worst country or amongst the best countries in the world? Paying back debts from harām after repentance Saying “thank you” to a disbeliever after receiving their help. Are muslims allowed to supplicate for wordly benefits for disbelievers? Are Muslims allowed to supplicate for wordly benefits for disbelievers? Permissiblity of gifting a disbeliever with a gift which forbidden for the muslims so that he sells it or may give it to others Celebrating the festivals of the disbelievers Permissiblity of seeking revenge while pardon being better Sincere Counsel for the Muslims of India A Call for Calm & Patience to Indian Muslims unable to make Hijrah Talking about the disbelieving parents of a muslim Seeking help of kufaar neighbours from wrongdoing Muslim Feeding a traveling kaafir during daytime in Ramadaan Responding to someone wishing you Happy Birthday Explanation of hadith of Abu Bakr Ruling on taking citizenship of countries of disbelievers Evils of residing in Lands of Kufr Call to “Unification of Religions” is clear Riddah Saying جزاك الله خيرا to a Kaafir Danger upon ummah – Call towards loving the Kuffār Showing respect to kufaar at work by calling them as Sir Impermissibility of working in Non-Muslim Military factories and Armies Authenticity of the story that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم allowed Nasara of Najran to pray inside his Masjid