The Ruling of Wearing Revealing Clothing in front of the Children

The Ruling of Wearing Revealing Clothing in front of the Children

The Permanent Committee for Knowledge Based Research and Islamic Verdicts under the
Presidency of al-‘Allaamah Ibn Baz was asked the following Question.

Question :

I am a married woman, sometimes in my house I wear revealing clothing which depicts the
body or short (clothing) that shows – when I sit down – what is above the knee. And this is to
assist in (my) movement when performing the chores of the house and to alleviate the extreme
heat, as well as to beautify myself in front of my husband. However, my husband has advised me
not to wear this clothing because of the presence of (our) children who are of the ages 3 to 9 years,
added to the fear that these scenes that they now witness may not disappear from their memories
when they grow up. But I have not accepted his advice on the basis that our children are still
young, and it is not feared that they become trialed (by way of this). And seeing as this matter has
occupied my mind and I desire to please Allaah and not to anger Him – I have written to you
seeking a clarification as to the legislated ruling of this (matter), and your advice as to what you see

Answer :

You must obey your husband in goodness. And from this (goodness), is that which he has
ordered you with from covering up and having modesty in the presence of your children, so they
do not become accustom to seeing the private parts and the beauties of women. And what is
permissible to uncover (from the body) in the presence of the children is: that which is commonly
revealed; such as the face and hands, arms, feet, and so on.

And success is with Allaah, and Allaahs peace and salutation be upon our Prophet Muhammad and
his family.

Translation: Abu Atiyah Mahmood as-Somali

Fatawa al-Lajneh ad-Daimah (17/297), No. 20576.

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The Ruling of Wearing Revealing Clothing in front of the Children

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