Rewarding children for doing good

Question #358:

Is giving rewards to children to encourage them to do good deeds permissible ?

Does it come under bribery?

Answer :

The parents giving rewards to children to encourage them to do good deeds is from permissible matters. There is no proof for prohibition of that.

Translated the Summary of the answer : AbdnNoor Al Hindi

Answered by : Shaykh Abu Bilal

Translators note :

It doesn’t fall under bribery. As the bribe is given by some one to other to help him in falsehood.

Ibn Al Atheer told in An-Nihaayah :

The briber is the one who gives (the bribe) to some one to help him in falsehood (to take right of some one else without right or like that). The bribee is the one takes that. …As for the one who gives some one  (the money or like that) to take his right (otherwise is not given) or to save himself from oppression then this doesn’t enter into that.



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