
The Children of the Prophet ﷺ

Withholding money from financially irresponsible dependents

What’s the ruling of placing a child who hasn’t reached discernabillity in the rows?

Saying Barak Allah Feek When the Child Sneezes

Naming One’s Child After Places

Marrying a Zaani (Adulteress)

Forcing the Wife to Live with His Family

Hijra – Children – Homeschooling

What is the ruling of naming children with some names of animals or birds

Breast Feeding and how it makes unlawful relations as lawful

Clothing restrictions are more flexible for children

Naming children after Prophets and Righteous People

You cannot be called ‘Abdur Rasool’ ﷺ

Women and seeking provision

Ruling on Mother Gifting her wealth Unequally Among Children?

Benefits Regarding Naming Children

What is Tahneek and It’s Benefits?

What is the ruling on shaving the head of the Newborn?

Is the aqeeqah to be done (for the baby who died of miscarriage) if a soul has been blown into it?

What’s the ruling of naming with the name ‘Abdud-Dayyaan?

What’s the ruling of shaving the head of the newborn and giving the weight of the hair in silver as charity

Benefit regarding rulings of Aqeeqah

Advise for those who have financial stability to push their children to seek knowledge

Loving own children more than step-children

First wife threatening divorce for taking on a second wife

Parents reading invocations before sleep on behalf of children

Rewarding children for doing good

Putting small boys in pre-school which have female teachers

Changing name of step-daughter to appropriate Islamic name

Is it preferable that a pious person does the taḥnīk for a newborn?