Ruling of giving prohibited food items to Kuffar like food items which are mixed with Alcohol

Question :

What is the ruling of giving prohibited food items to Kuffar like food items which are mixed with Alcohol ?

Answer :

The Muslim is higher than doing that. And it is not permissible for him to indulge into this even with the Kuffar and they do it for themselves. The prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam has cursed ten kinds people (who deal with Alcohol) from them, the bearer, the seller, the presser, who the pressing is done for. [See Sunan Tirmidhi – 1295].

[Some speech of Shaykh is removed as it is about working under non-muslims making these kinds of foods and which needs more clarification – Translator]

And also Shaykh told that carrying the food with Alcohol comes under carrying the Alcohol and the Carrier of Alcohol is cursed by Messenger of Allah Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam as mentioned in above Hadeeth.

Answered by : Shaykh Abu Ishaq Al Qaisee Hafidahullah

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