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Hajj and Umrah
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Does Hajj suffice for the one incapable of completing after standing at Arafah
I didn’t fast 3 days in Hajj or 7 when I returned is my Hajj correct
A Person Wants to Travel to Yemen to Seek Knowledge however His Mother Wants Him to Make Hajj with Her this Year
Specific to the Pilgrims on Mount Arafah
Righteous Actions while women are on Her Menses
When is it permissible to break the fast before reaching it’s time ?
The hadith “Umrah in Ramadan is the equivalent of the Hajj”
Is Covering the Face, Waajib for Women?
Getting Married with Haraam Money
What takes precedence, Hajj or Hijrah?
Ruling on Performing Multiple Umrah in One time
Hijra or Hajj if one had to be chosen
Is the Ihlāl for Hajj considered pronouncing the intention aloud
Can I Fast Arafah while I am Owing Fasts?
Takbeeraat in unison on ‘Eid and during the days of Tashreeq
Performing the Takbeeraat in unison
Takbeeraat during the ten days of Thil-Hijjah and the days of Tashreeq
Gifting away a portion of the meat from the Udhiyyah
Is ‘Umrah obligatory once in a lifetime similar to the Hajj
Covering of the face for the female pilgrim
Women performing Hajj with non-mahrams
Is there any Sunnah to perform after returning from Ḥajj
Trimming of mustache by one intending to slaughter for Īd al-Aḍḥā
Doing Ḥajj without taking permission from the Saudi authorities
Burial Shroud for a person who dies in the state of Iḥrām
How does woman cover her face while doing Umrah, if she pass by men ?
Is it permissible to make Umrah or Hajj on behalf of his parents (deceased or live) ?