Ruling on Performing Multiple Umrah in One time


So you will find some of them perhaps perform Umrah three times in one day or even more. He performs Umrah for his father, for his mother, for his grandfather, and the like.

Shaikh al-Islaam bin Taimiah said as it comes in “Majmua Fatawa” (26/86): “It is not known that anyone preformed Umrah from Makkah in the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), except for A’aisha, neither in the Farwell Hajj, not before it or after it. Rather this Umrah does not count as the Umrah of Islam in one of the two narrations from Imaam Ahmad.” [Majmua Fatawa (26/273) and 290]

Allamah al-Uthaimeen said as it comes in Majmua Fatawa (22/ 247-248): “As for what some people do in Ramadan from preforming multiple Umrahs every day then this is an innovation and an evil. This has no basis from the actions of the Salaf.

And from that which is well known is that the Prophet (ﷺ) conquered Makkah and was there 19 days and he didn’t go out on any one of those days to the Hial to preform Umrah. And likewise in the Umrah of the Qadah he stayed in Makkah for three days and he did not go to make Umrah every day. And it is not known that the righteous predecessors used to do that, and the best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad ﷺ.

What’s worse than this is: that when some people perform the first Umrah they shave a part of their head and then finish their Umrah, and when they perform Umrah a second time they shave another part of their head and then finish their Umrah. They then grow their hair, depending on the amount of Umrahs they choose to perform.

Allamah Al-Albani said in a number of his fatawas in Silsilah al-Huda wa Nur, the summary being: that there is no proof for placing a limit between the first Umrah and the second one, except what is found in the actions of the people in leaving to Taneem opposes the guidance of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) because it is something specifically restricted for A’aisha -may Allah be pleased with her- as well as whoever this ruling applies to. And he said: “And I call it the Umrah of the one who is menstruating, and men do not menstruate.”

As for the one that desires to perform multiple Umrahs: It is upon him to return to the Miqaat. But we must make a notice of not being extravagant not placing burden on ourselves, which a Muslim must stay far away from due to the hadeeth found in Muslim (2670) on the authority of Ibn Masood (رضي الله عنه) that the Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Ruined are the extravagant.” He (ﷺ) repeated this thrice. And his (ﷺ) prohibition of burdening one’s self as it comes in Bukhari (7293) on the authority of Umar (رضي الله عنه) and the likes of it that carry the same meaning.

Answered by: Shaikh Abu Abdillah Muhammad Ba Jamaal (May Allah preserve him)


Translated by: Abu Yusuf Bilal ibn Howard Robinson

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