
Does a woman have to undo her hair when doing ghusl?

Ruling of fasting for the menstruating women who missed to take her medication

Light sleep whilst having Wudhu

The best cure for one suffering from whisperings

An invalid or missed prayer must be prayed even after its time has passed

A woman who was busied from prayer after its time came in then her menstruation came

Inability to Perform Wudu because of a Skin Disease

There are two types of sleep. You must know them both.

Does Touching one’s Private Parts Break the Wudu

A Wet Dream necessitates Ghusl

Does the Ghusl for Jumu’ah suffice from having to perform a separate Wudhū’?

Istinjā & the Ablution

Ablution is not invalidated by touching one’s private part

He found a little wetness on his clothes, so little, that he can’t distinguish if it’s maniyy or madhiyy

Washing the limbs in the Ablution different amount of times

The Basmallah at the Ablution

Weakness of Hadith Regarding the Punishment in Grave for the person who prayed without purification

Ruling on Vomit: Pure or Impure

Is brown, yellow, and white discharge impure?

Sixth Lesson From the Book of Menstruation From Sahīh Muslim

Fifth Lesson From the Book of Menstruation From Sahīh Muslim

Definition of dire necessities (الضروريات)

The criterion of the face of the woman which can remain uncovered while praying

Leaving the Masjid after the Call to the Prayer has been made

Using the right or the left hand when using the Siwāk

Caring for the incapable and some relevant rulings

Does touching your private nullify your Wudhū?

Vomiting and Nullification of the Ablution

Fourth Lesson From the Book of Menstruation From Sahīh Muslim

Third Lesson From the Book of Menstruation From Sahīh Muslim