Ruling on Vomit: Pure or Impure


Is vomit pure or impure?


From the people of knowledge are those that have chosen that human vomit is pure, be it little or much, and that there is no authentic evidences to point to it being impure, and the basis is purity and the lack of taking the burden of it being impure until evidence is established to move from purity to impurity.
And nothing moves it from this except something correct which is not countered by something which is similar to it or something which precedes it, especially since this is something which occurs often and it’s occurrence is widespread.

This is what has been chosen to be most correct by Ash-Shawkāni and Ibn ‘Utheymīn and other than them.

And if there was any Salaf who chose this position, then it would be considered to be more correct due to it coinciding with the legislative principles.

Except that what the majority of the people of knowledge have chosen, of the position that if vomit was to have changed, to be more safe.

Due to the vomit having changed and corrupted in the stomach, thus being lined with faeces, and from them are those that relayed a consensus in this.

The majority are also upon the position of impurity even if the vomit didn’t change.

And Mālik opposed this and has taken the position of it being pure; due to the impurificating factor not being present, which is the change.

And success is granted by Allah.

Answered by:
Shaykh Abu Hatim Yusuf Al-‘Inaabi Al-Jazaa’iree – may Allah preserve him.


Relating Fatwa:
Vomiting and Nullification of the Ablution

Answered on:
8th, Saffar, 1438H.

Translated by:
Abu ‘Abdirrahman ‘Abdullaah bin Ahmed Ash-Shingaani.

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