He found a little wetness on his clothes, so little, that he can’t distinguish if it’s maniyy or madhiyy


A man had sexual relation with his wife and had his [ritual] bath, then he observed salaatu Al-‘Asr, then after the salaah he found on his clothes a little wetness, so he was in doubt whether that was maniyy [sperm] that remained. So what is upon him?

Also, how does he obtain certainty it’s maniyy or madhiyy [prostatic fluid] because the fluid is so little that he is not able to distinguish?


In any case, he washes his clothes, he washes his privates [front], he does wudu’ and he observes salaah, there is nothing upon him, and Allah knows best.

Answered by: Shaikh Abu Abdillah Muhammad Ba Jamaal (May Allah preserve him)

Translated by: Abu Juwayriyah Nooruddeen Ibn Sulaymaan Ibn Haaroon Al-Eeddee.

Source: https://t.me/OfficialChannelShaykhBaajammaal/33

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