
What to do if beer (alcohol) touches the clothes ?

Visiting Madain Salih

Saying salam to people of innovation

Staying in house built with interest based loan

if I miss the fajir prayer at the masjid, can I pray with my wife at home?

Seeking knowledge before giving Dawah

Repaying the debt which is incurred due to buying of prohibited things

Refusal of Shaykh Al-Imam Muqbil to meet Ambassadress of America

How do we know who is a scholar (one who can take knowledge from) and who is not ?

Fulfillment of vow to fast nine days a month

If I miss the Fajr prayer at the Masjid, can I pray with my wife at home?

How should a Muslim woman’s clothing in front of the disbeliever women?

A person who says hijab is from habits of Pagan Arab and have other deviations

Is it permitted to spend the zakah money on a Muslim for his surgery?

Can we eat the food of a person whose income is from haraam?

Is the wealth spent on a charity organization run by disbelievers considered as Sadaqah

Enrolling in a section that doesn’t have free mixing in a university with free mixing

Mother curses a brother who refuse to attend free-mixing school

Father and brother threaten to beat if doesn’t attend free-mixing school

How do we know who is a scholar and who is not ?

How does woman cover her face while doing Umrah, if she pass by men ?

Is there difference between the prayer of men and women ?

Father doesn’t agree with his son who want to seek knowledge

Ruling of giving prohibited food items to Kuffar like food items which are mixed with Alcohol

Why we study books of Ibn Hajr and An-Nawawee while they have mistakes in Aqeedah

Difference between meaning of “Salamun Alaikum” and “Assalamu Alykum”

Is seeking help from Jinn, Shirk in all cases ?

Buying products from a company who takes interest based loans

Following congregation prayer from house

Women pronouncing Adhan, Iqamah and saying Amin aloud