Is there difference between the prayer of men and women ?

Question :

Is there difference between the prayer of men and women ?

Answer :

Shaykh Al Albani (A Great scholar of Hadeeth of this era) Rahimahullah said in closing chapter of his book Sifat-Salat-un-Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam:

What ever has preceded from the characteristics of prayer of Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, it is same for both men and women. There is nothing reported in the Sunnah (the Ahadeeth of Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) that excludes the women from some of these characteristics. But the general saying of Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam “Pray as you see me praying” applies for women also.

This is the saying of Ibrahim An-Nakhaee, he said :

“A woman does in prayer whan a man does” (Musnad Ibn Abee Shaybah (1/75/2) and the chain of narration is Authentic.

The hadeeth that says about gathering the body closer in Sujood for women and that she opposes men in that (men spreads out the hands in Sujood). The hadeeth is Mursal (narattion of a Tabi’ee on Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam without mentioning the Sahabee or other narrators between him and Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and cannot be used as proof. This is reported by Abu Dawood in “Al-Maraseel” (117/87) from Yajeed Ibn Abee Habeeb. I have mentioned it also in “Ad-Daee’fah” (2652).

And as for what Al Imam Ahmad reported as in “Al Masaa’il” (Page no: 71) : Upon Ibn Umar : that he is used order women to sit cross-legged in Prayer.
The chain of narration for this hadeeth is not Authentic because in that Abdullah Ibn Umar Al Umari who is a weak narrator.

And Al Imam Al Bukhari narrated in “At-Tareekh As-Sagheer” with a chain of narration that is Authentic upon Umm Dardaa that : she used to sit in her prayer the sitting of men. And she a knowledgeable woman.

End of quote from the book of Shaykh Al Albani Rahimahullah


The fatwa of Permanent Committee of senior scholars for Fatwa and guidance in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Question : 19478

We hope from you the clarification on the manner of women’s prayer and the difference between the prayer of women and men.

Answer :

There is no difference between the prayer of man and woman with respect to Actions or Sayings, but it is Wajib upon woman to cover her whole body except the face (if there are no other non-maharim men around her) for the general saying of Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam “ Pray as you see me praying” and this saying applies for both men and women. And Allah Subhanahu Said, which means :

“Indeed in the Messenger of Allah, best example for you”

And with Allah the success and Sallallahu Ala Nabiyyina Muhammad wa Aalihi wa Sallam

Chairman : Al Imam Abdul Aziz ibn Abdillah Ibn Baz
Vice Chairman : Shaykh Abdul Aziz Aal Shaykh
Member : Shaykh Bakr Abu Zaid
Member : Shaykh Salih Al Fawzan

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