
Women are rewarded for praying at home, the same way men are rewarded for praying in congregation and it is better for them to do so

Hide your Charity – Tafsīr Suratl-Baqarah by Ibn Kathīr

Spend from the Good things you have earned – Tafsīr Suratl-Baqarah by Ibn Kathīr

Advise for a man who speaks with women on Social Media

Increase in Charity – Tafsīr Suratl-Baqarah by Ibn Kathīr

Standing Still for the Athaan

The addition of “Sayyidunaa” in the remembrances and supplications

Spend and Allāh will spend on you – Tafsīr Suratul-Baqarah by Ibn Kathīr

Have the same energy for the Religion, It’s more important!

Sixth Lesson From the Book of Menstruation From Sahīh Muslim

Fifth Lesson From the Book of Menstruation From Sahīh Muslim

Printing images of others at their request

Does A lender requesting a service from a lendee enter into Usury?

Exceeding 11 units of Prayer in Taraweeh

Combining Witr when having missed it with the Duhā prayer

Ruling about Smuggling between Countries

Conditions of dire necessities (الضروريات)

Definition of dire necessities (الضروريات)

Forbidding the evil is incumbent upon everyone

Studying in a branch of a free-mixing University

Slaughtering an offering after having built or entering a new house to ward away the Jinns

Conciling between the people

Where does the woman pray when being led?

Sprinkling Ruqya water upon a car

Sins and it’s connection to Shirk

Swearing an Oath by other than Allah

Slaughtering an animal already near to death for food

Getting Married with Haraam Money

Does the word Legislator apply to both Allah and the Prophet ﷺ

The place of the Salātl Ibrahimiyyah is the final Tashahhud (2)