
The place of the Salātl Ibrahimiyyah is the final Tashahhud

Be cautious in how you say things

Paying through installments

Never Travel by Yourself

The criterion of the face of the woman which can remain uncovered while praying

Criterion of when to stop praying the Rawātib due to travelling

Leaving the Masjid after the Call to the Prayer has been made

Fasting on Yawm Assabt only (Saturday)

Combining different Remembrances of Allah in Rukoo

Advice for Sisters in the West about their Marriage and Hijrah

Standing Up for Someone

Men applying Henna on their hands and feet

Fasting on Jumu’ah’s

Using the right or the left hand when using the Siwāk

The space infront of the person praying which should not be encroached upon

Every child is pledged for his Aqīqah

Placing wooden boards in the Masājid to be used as Sutrah

A beneficial principle on when the remembrances & the supplications at the end of prayer are performed

Tawassul by way of virtuous days

Difference between Minor & Major Shirk and Tawhīd & Major Disbelief coming together in a person

The Origin of Prophetic Medicine

Caring for the incapable and some relevant rulings

Naming children after Prophets and Righteous People

You cannot be called ‘Abdur Rasool’ ﷺ

Joining congregation late as a traveller, do I pray two units or complete the Imāms prayer

What takes precedence, Hajj or Hijrah?

Speaking to Non-Mahaarim

Past and Future sins being forgiven is specific to the Prophet ﷺ

The Morning and Evening Athkaar have specific appointed times

Women and seeking provision