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Is Zakaah paid from business earnings which are haraam
Am I allowed to lie or pay bribery money to avoid taking vaccines for Corona
Having iron plated decorations on the thawb
The ruling on tailoring baggy trousers for women
The ruling on buying boxes of tissues with love hearts on them
The ruling on greeting with the New Hijri Year
The ruling on selling the Mushaf
Segregated Tutoring/Tuition classrooms in the same school
Can Evil Eye affect the Masjid
The ruling on a woman going to the market with her sister and her sisters husband or a man going with his brothers wife and his wife
How to wash those dead from Corona
The ruling on working as a chef in a restaurant which sells impermissible foods
The ruling on the earnings of a taxi driver who takes people to places of sin
Pretending to run your friend over with a car
Can a student of knowledge sell his books with the proof that he is in need?
The ruling on having a feast on receiving a new blessing
Social Distancing and the plotting of the disbelievers
The ruling on saying Corona is a filthy sickness
If the country you’re in prevents you from washing the dead from Corona
Do pills placed under the tongue for medicine break the fast
Making pictures with inanimate beings with facial features
If we are Prevented from Praying the Eid Prayer in Congregation, how is the Prayer Preformed in the House
Inscribing Ones Husband’s Name on the Body
Wiping out images of things that possess a soul is an order from the Prophet ﷺ
Making the Masjid a Care Center for Those Dying from the Coronavirus
Utilizing Applications which Have Pictures
Living in the Lands of Disbelief and Entering One’s Children into their Free Mixing Schools
In the Case of an Accident is the Cost of Fixing a Car upon the Owner or the Person he Allowed to Drive the Car?
The Reason for the Increase in Divorces in our Time
Taking Ones Wife to a Male Eye Doctor When There is No Female Eye Doctor
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