
The legislated veil – Marital life – Husbands responsibility

Reading Suratl Baqarah specifically to get a supplication answered requires proof

Istinjā & the Ablution

Does retracting from an oath nullify it

Remaining with someone who abandons a single prayer continuously

Making up for the Dhuhā prayer

Praying Dhuhā prayer every day

Fasting missed days of Ramadhān on a Friday

Participating in the Fajr Qunūt under the pretext of keeping unity, and not to cause differing

The claim of the presence of Homosexuality in Jannah

Actions which the Salaf were able to do but didn’t

Warning the people from the people of desires has its correct avenues, it’s with establishing the legislated evidences

Who is the paternal uncle of Shadād ibn Aws?

Is it Permissible for the Woman to Seek Khul (divorce at the request of the wife)

The Ruling on Praying in a Red Garment

The Ruling on Women Praying in Jamaa’ah (congregation)

Changing the conditions of a vow while maintaining it

After Praying Salaat ul Istikhaarah How Does One Know the Answer

Making Tasbeeh Using the Left Hand?

If a Woman has Fasts to make up from Ramadan, can she fast the Six Days of Shawwaal before making up her days from Ramadan

Ablution is not invalidated by touching one’s private part

The meaning of Al-Afwu

Fasting the Six Days of Shawaal before Making up Missed Fasts from Ramadan

The hadith “Umrah in Ramadan is the equivalent of the Hajj”

Is the Masjid from those who are eligible to receive Zakaat?

Can a menstruating woman touch the mushaf?

Does rinsing the mouth break the fast?

Hadith : “…. whatever remains is for the closest male relative.”

How to calculate the zakat due on your income

What type of money is zakāt deducted from and how much is the deduction?