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(Creed & Methodology) ʿAqīdah & Manhaj
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Are the graveyards of the Kuffaar sacred?
Can Evil Eye affect the Masjid
The Sanctity of the Masaajid
Is the prayer place of the woman part of the Masjid
Praying the Tahiyatul-Masjid in the courtyard of the Masjid
The Ruling on Praying Behind an Innovator?
Making the Masjid a Care Center for Those Dying from the Coronavirus
If One Can’t Hear the Adhaan does He Have to Pray in Congregation
The One that Prays Salaat Dhur then Chews Qat
Have the Scholars United Upon the Correctness of Praying with Spaces in the Rows
Ruling on Praying with Spaces in the Rows
Giving Out Membership in the Masjid
Conducting Marriage Ceremonies in the Masjid
What is the ruling on erecting domes?
Can you pray at home if your local masjid is Sufi and the only other alternative is too far?
Combining Ahaadeeth only takes place if they are Authentic
Warning the people from the people of desires has its correct avenues, it’s with establishing the legislated evidences
Is the Masjid from those who are eligible to receive Zakaat?
Do you call it a Mahad, Markaz or Dar Al-Hadith in Dammaj
When is a Masjid called Ad-Dhirār?
Turning on the loudspeaker for the congregational prayer
Buying and selling in the Masājid via telephone
It is permissible for a woman to attend the Jum’ah prayer but preferred for her to remain in her home
Women are rewarded for praying at home, the same way men are rewarded for praying in congregation and it is better for them to do so
Have the same energy for the Religion, It’s more important!
Where does the woman pray when being led?
Leaving the Masjid after the Call to the Prayer has been made
The space infront of the person praying which should not be encroached upon
Placing wooden boards in the Masājid to be used as Sutrah
Gathering in the masjid to console the family of the deceased
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