Ruling on Praying with Spaces in the Rows


You all know what has transpired here with this epidemic of the Coronavirus in regards to breaking up the rows in the prayer. What is the ruling of this type of prayer?


What has been established is the correctness of this type of prayer is questionable. As these rows do not meet the definition of a completed row. And we have explained this matter in a number of our Jummah sermons.


Is it upon us to repeat our prayers as some of the people use as a proof for this type of prayer the fataawa of the Permanent Scholars, knowing we are in Russia.


Whoever prays based on the fataawa of some of the People of Knowledge in this manner then comes to know that this is not correct, it is not upon him to repeat all the prayers he prayed in that manner.

And Allah knows best.

Answered by: Shaikh Abu Abdillah Muhammad Ba Jamaal (May Allah preserve him)


Translated by: Abu Yusuf Bilal ibn Howard Robinson

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