
Is it allowed to give Zakaah to the Masjid for refurbishing

Is Zakaah paid from business earnings which are haraam

Can I give Zakat to my ex wife whom I share children with?

The ruling on using Zakāh money to repay debts and giving Zakāh to family members

Is it necessary to inform the recipient that what you’re giving them is Zakah

Debt does not exempt one from Zakaat

Is the Masjid from those who are eligible to receive Zakaat?

How to calculate the zakat due on your income

What type of money is zakāt deducted from and how much is the deduction?

Ruling of giving Zakāh to the one who wants to marry a second?

Giving poor disbelievers money from the obligatory Zakāt

Is it allowed to give zakāt to relatives from the family?

When is the time of zakātul-fitr of Ramadhān?

Who to give zakātul-fitr to when time is restricted

Giving Zakatul Fitr and Zakat of Crops as Money

Can I Delay Zakatul Fitr, If the Eligible Person is Far?

Is Donations to COVID-19 Patients considered Zakat ?

Is sugar sufficient to be given as Zakaat-ul-Fitr?

What’s the criterion of wealth whereby accepting charity is no longer permissible?

Wife giving her zakaat to her husband

Zakat on investment which gave no profit for a year

Paying zakāh on owned land which is to be sold

Giving Zakāh to repay debts of a person who owns property

Supporting a Student of Knowledge through Zakāh

Paying zakat on money kept to build house

Paying zakat while having debt upon him

Is it permitted to spend the zakah money on a Muslim for his surgery?

Is the wealth spent on a charity organization run by disbelievers considered as Sadaqah

Woman giving here Zakath money to her son

Wearing diamond for men and ruling of zakaat on diamonds