
Where does the wife stand with her husband in prayer?

Ghusl from the Janābah in extremely cold nights

Not being able to Memorise The Fātiha

Praying in a room that contains images

Gathering on the Second Day of Eid Al-Adhaa to slaughter on behalf of the dead.

Inheritance: husband, sons, daughter, brother & sisters

Sexual relation with a woman you divorced (and is permissible for you to take back) counts as taking her back

Is sperm and it’s likes impure

The ruling on establishing Jumu’ah twice in the same masjid

Choose the one who is religiously committed

Breastfeeding past two years

Conditions of the Nikkah

Can a person inherit from their parents money that was obtained in a Haram way?

Giving poor disbelievers money from the obligatory Zakāt

Voluntary prayers in congregation are of two types

The countries which are waajib to migrate from

A woman has a right to inherit from her parents regardless if she is married or not

The endowing through a Will is to non-heritors

A Muslim does not inherit from a disbeliever, and vice versa

Inheritance: 5 daughters, a wife, a half brother & sister, a full sister

The wife does what she pleases with the Dowry

Is establishment of Islām in the requirement of residing amongst the disbelievers only Praying, Fasting, Call to the prayer, etc?

Sitting and Prostrating while praying voluntary Prayers

Praying alone behind a row

Recitation behind an Imām

A woman can leave her house without permission in times of necessity

Images for the sake of da’wah and Teaching women without a barrier (or) closing the paths of Sin and Evil

The dangerous trial of looking at the Women

The ruling of making Hijrah from Non-Muslim countries while having a Markaz

Hijra or Hajj if one had to be chosen