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Stance of Ibn Uthaimīn – rahimahullāh – regarding the muslim who commits shirk in ignorance
The Trial that is worse than Death
Slaughtering an offering after having built or entering a new house to ward away the Jinns
Difference between Minor & Major Shirk and Tawhīd & Major Disbelief coming together in a person
The Mu’rid & The Mu’ānid
Sins beneath Shirk and Kufr don’t necessitate punishment
Is it true that Shaykh Hammād Al-Ansāri declared Sayyid Qutb to be a disbeliever?
What’s the ‘Ilmul Kalaam’ (the sciences of discourse/rhetoric) which the people of knowledge despise?
Praying behind an innovator who calls to participation in elections and democracy
Was Gaddaafi a Muslim?
Reality of the state of Iran and Kufr of it’s founder Ayatullah Al Khumaini