
Beware Not Every Mistake Gets Overlooked

The Position which Coincides with the Legislated Evidence takes Precedence

Gathering on the Second Day of Eid Al-Adhaa to slaughter on behalf of the dead.

Voluntary prayers in congregation are of two types

Partaking in the Mawlid, and are those that do so Mushrikūn?

Teaching in Free-mixing schools

The reality of charity organisations

Beautifying the recitations of the Qur’ān in the midst of giving lectures

Gathering in the masjid to console the family of the deceased

Salām and Handshake in the Masjid

The Difference between the words Hizbi and Mubtadi’

Raising the Voices in Dua Collectively after the Salaat

Closing the masjids for prayers due to the Coronavirus

Making dua after completing the Qur’ān is an innovation

Is it Permissible to Follow Social Distancing During Salah Or is it an Innovation?

Should the muathin proclaim “pray in your homes” during the athaan because the masājid are closed?

What is the ruling on writing verses from the Qur’an with saffron, then to dissolve it in water and sprinkle it on sick for treatment?

What is the ruling in saying:”sadaq Allaahu Al-‘Adheem” after reading the Qur’aan?

What is the ruling of doing tasbeeh with the masbahah (the rosary beads)?

Refuting the ones that support celebration of national day

Hanging verses of the Qur’an on walls

Praying for a Muslim claiming salafiyyah while his manhaj is unclear

Is there any Sunnah to perform after returning from Ḥajj

Combining prayers together and delaying some prayers as per ḥanafī fiqh

Working in a shop where birthday cakes are sold