Beware Not Every Mistake Gets Overlooked


May Allah bless you O Shaykh,

Some people say:

“If a mistaken individual was from Ahlussunnah wal Jamā’ah, and a person had his share of good and knowledge of Islām, and it hasn’t become known from him that he intended the opposition which took place from him, then it’s a must that his status is preserved.

And that he is pardoned for his mistake, if we didn’t tread this path a lot of people of virtue in this Ummah wouldn’t be safe from us.”

What’s the correctness of this establishment?


This generalisation is not correct.

Imām Ahmed, and other than him of the Imāms, have dropped people who were from the Imāms of Ahlul-Hadīth, like Ya’qūb bin Shaybah, due to a single mistake.

And they didn’t establish upon them this Khalafi principle in regards to those that deviated from the Sirātl Mustaqīm through

➖Opposing a clear foundation from the foundations of the Sunnah or a principle from the major principles of the legislation.

➖Or perpetrating many oppositions in the subsidiary issues those which many oppositions therein are tantamount to a major opposition.

So mistakes are not of the same level.

From the mistakes are those which contain obscurity, and what the question contains is implemented upon this.

So it’s a must that the critirion is being observed in this subject.

And I have mentioned them in my book (Bayān Ad-Dalīl) and (Al-Hujajul Kāshifa)

Answered by:
Shaykh Abu Hatim Yusuf Al-‘Inaabi Al-Jazaa’iree – may Allaah preserve him.


Answered on:
25th, Rabee’ Al-Aakhar, 1438H

Translated by:
Abu ‘Abdirrahman ‘Abdullaah bin Ahmed Ash-Shingaani.

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