
Exceeding 11 units of Prayer in Taraweeh

Combining Witr when having missed it with the Duhā prayer

Ruling about Smuggling between Countries

Conditions of dire necessities (الضروريات)

Definition of dire necessities (الضروريات)

Warning from reading knowledge-based refutations

Warning from reading knowledge-based refutations

Verily this knowledge is Religion, so look at he who you take your Religion from

Forbidding the evil is incumbent upon everyone

Studying in a branch of a free-mixing University

Slaughtering an offering after having built or entering a new house to ward away the Jinns

Conciling between the people

Where does the woman pray when being led?

Advise to benefit from the Knowledge-based refutations by Shaykh Yusuf

Sprinkling Ruqya water upon a car

Giving dawah after having repented from Hizbiyyah and innovation

Sins and it’s connection to Shirk

Al-Barbahāri: “The Sunni is he who all the traits of the Sunnah come together in him”

Swearing an Oath by other than Allah

Slaughtering an animal already near to death for food

Getting Married with Haraam Money

Does the word Legislator apply to both Allah and the Prophet ﷺ

The place of the Salātl Ibrahimiyyah is the final Tashahhud (2)

The place of the Salātl Ibrahimiyyah is the final Tashahhud

Be cautious in how you say things

Paying through installments

Never Travel by Yourself

The criterion of the face of the woman which can remain uncovered while praying

Criterion of when to stop praying the Rawātib due to travelling

The people of innovation are the devils of Mankind