Allaah said: “Who is one who swears upon me that I won’t forgive so and so? Indeed I have forgiven him, and nullified your deeds.”
The Face of Allaah is not asked by except for Jannah
Ruling on saying: ‘Oh Allah, Forgive me if you want’
The dua of finishing the Qur’an has in it many legislative oppositions to the Sunnah
Wiping the face with the hands after dua is bid’ah
The virtue of an act of worship over another, when looked at per se, does not mean that it takes precedence in every situation
Reading Suratl Baqarah specifically to get a supplication answered requires proof
Actions which the Salaf were able to do but didn’t
Reciting the Qur’ān while in Rukū’ & Sujūd
Seeking the Assistance of Allah and the types of People that Seek Allah’s Assistance
The addition of “Sayyidunaa” in the remembrances and supplications
A beneficial principle on when the remembrances & the supplications at the end of prayer are performed
Tawassul by way of virtuous days