
The Salah of those following sitting behind the Imaam, and for who is it allowed and how to do it

Sujood on seven bones, beginning with the hands before the knees, and the prohibition of tieing/folding up

Not allowed to sit and pray while being able to stand

Folding/Tieing the hair and thawb (garment)

Raising/Outspreading the arms during sujood

Is travelling by car for two hours considered a distance to shorten the prayer

Differing within the boundaries of the Salafi Manhaj, is it considered exiting from it

Wordings which have come to be said after standing from rukoo

The ruling on placing the hands on the chest after Rukoo’

Catching the Rukoo’ – Is the rak’ah counted?

Ismaa’eel Halaal ?

The verses of prostration for recitation (sujood At-tilaawah)

What to do with belongings stolen before reaching the age of puberty

Does divorcing a women in her Nifaas count?

If a woman kills someone is the blood money upon the husband or her tribe

The ruling on buying boxes of tissues with love hearts on them

The ruling on having intercourse with ones wife during the day of Ramadhan as a non fasting traveler

The ruling on greeting with the New Hijri Year

The ruling on eating from the meat slaughtered after the death of someone?

In which hand is the book given for the people who enter the fire due to Major Sins?

When should we raise the hands in prayer?

The ruling on selling the Mushaf

Segregated Tutoring/Tuition classrooms in the same school

Whoever reaches to the prayer while the Imam is at making Rukuu’, and not having recited the Faatiha, did they catch the unit?

Can Evil Eye affect the Masjid

Facing the Qiblah during sleep

A pet dog in the house

Looking up in Salaah

Stopping at the start of the verses at reciting the Faatiha and other than it of the chapters

Is a woman allowed to live alone?