Keeping a person on life supporting machines

Question :

What is the ruling upon leaving a person to be upon the machines, the breathing machines, which are found in the hospitals, if he is unable to breathe. Meaning that, he may have brain damage or so on and so forth and that he is not capable of breathing, then what is the ruling on allowing him to remain upon these life support machines?


The Shaykh responded by saying

If this individual, it is assumed that by him remaining upon these instruments or these machines that, he may become cured or he may become better with regards to his health, then yes he should be left to be on these life supporting machines. However,if he sees that death is something which is no way out of ,and that the scenario is that he is in something which is difficult then this is something which indicates (having in it) some sort of punishment towards the person who is upon this machinery then, allowing him to be in this state, meaning cutting him off from the machines could be better for him. But, if the person it is assumed that by him remaining upon this machinery, he can become better then he is to be allowed to remain (upon this machines). However, if it is the opposite, meaning this is just a waste of time and they have come to a decision or they have diagnosed him to be someone if he is left on this then him being living after this is something which is of very low possibility due to him having some form of damage to his brain or so on then what is more deserving that he is taken off these machines.

Answered by : Shaykh Abu Amr Al Hajooree

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