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What is the name of the Prophet after Mūsā?
The Book: ‘Defective Ahadeeth while they appear authentic’, by the ‘Allāmah Muqbil bin Hādi Al-Wādi’ī
Translating a matter in which there is a difference of opinion
The statement: “The sight of the heart”
Where does the wife stand with her husband in prayer?
Ghusl from the Janābah in extremely cold nights
Deduction by careful analysis (Istiqrā)
Not being able to Memorise The Fātiha
Praying in a room that contains images
Gathering on the Second Day of Eid Al-Adhaa to slaughter on behalf of the dead.
Inheritance: husband, sons, daughter, brother & sisters
Sexual relation with a woman you divorced (and is permissible for you to take back) counts as taking her back
Is sperm and it’s likes impure
The ruling on establishing Jumu’ah twice in the same masjid
The Prophet ﷺ seeing the sahaaba behind his back
Choose the one who is religiously committed
Is Umar more virtuous than Abu Bakr?
Breastfeeding past two years
Is everyone fanatical towards the scholars
The condition of Suleyman Ar-Ruheyli
Elections and voting is from democracy
Conditions of the Nikkah
Can a person inherit from their parents money that was obtained in a Haram way?
Giving poor disbelievers money from the obligatory Zakāt
Voluntary prayers in congregation are of two types
The countries which are waajib to migrate from
A woman has a right to inherit from her parents regardless if she is married or not
The endowing through a Will is to non-heritors
A Muslim does not inherit from a disbeliever, and vice versa
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