
The ruling of joking in regards to contracts -&- the ruling of marriage through words besides marry and giving in marriage

You haven’t prayed a previous prayer due to a legislated excuse and then you hear the iqama being made for the next

Praying behind an open sinner

Retributions are in accordance of the types of actions perpetrated – How you treat others, is how you will be treated

What is the ruling of the pre-married woman marrying without a waliy?

Does guardianship go to the ruler straight away if the father prevents marriage

Marrying a Woman that Does Not Work

Uttering Intentions

One or two Salāms at the end of the prayer?

Expiating an oath on someone else’s behalf

Prostration of Forgetfulness due to an addition is after the Salām

The Ruling on Praying Behind an Innovator?

Making the Masjid a Care Center for Those Dying from the Coronavirus

The Definition of the Kunyah and Laqab (nick name)

Utilizing Applications which Have Pictures

Benefiting from money obtained through interest

Living in the Lands of Disbelief and Entering One’s Children into their Free Mixing Schools

Leaving One’s Family to Reside in other than the Country He Resides

Delivering the Khuthbah while not in a State of Purification

The Khutabah of the Rain Prayer: Before or After the Prayer?

Inability to Perform Wudu because of a Skin Disease

A Person Wants to Travel to Yemen to Seek Knowledge however His Mother Wants Him to Make Hajj with Her this Year

In the Case of an Accident is the Cost of Fixing a Car upon the Owner or the Person he Allowed to Drive the Car?

Supplicating in Sujūd in other than the Arabic Language?

The Reason for the Increase in Divorces in our Time

Taking Ones Wife to a Male Eye Doctor When There is No Female Eye Doctor

A man must cease sexual intercourse with his wife if he sees menstrual blood

Debt does not exempt one from Zakaat

There are two types of sleep. You must know them both.

Crying During the Prayer without Humility