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(Creed & Methodology) ʿAqīdah & Manhaj
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Muslims helping disbelievers against Salafees
Can we benefit from translations of a brother who study in freemixing
Refutation on
Listening to lectures from speakers claiming to belong to Salafiyyah
Ruling on saying ‘Radiallahu anha’ while mentioning the name of mother of the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)
Hanging verses of the Qur’an on walls
Ruling on Muslims born in Muslim families and are insane
Criminal history of Cruel terrorist organization ‘Daaish’
Is it shirk al Akbar to ask the deceased to make dua to Allah for us
Praying behind an innovator who calls to participation in elections and democracy
Hâl of Muhammad Mustafâ al-A’zami
Conveying Salaam on Prophet whether next to his grave or not
Ruling on taking citizenship of countries of disbelievers
Accusation of Salafis being ISIS-sympathizers
How knowledge will be removed when there are recordings of the ulema present
Call to “Unification of Religions” is clear Riddah
Danger upon ummah – Call towards loving the Kuffār
The wisdom behind the falling of some of the great scholars into mistakes
Where to travel and learn the Deen
Praying for a Muslim claiming salafiyyah while his manhaj is unclear
Is there any Sunnah to perform after returning from Ḥajj
Permissibility of praying behind an Innovator or a Sinner
Speaking ill of the ʿUlamā and Students of Knowledge and causing confusion
Falsehood of the Theory of Evolution
Explanation of Misfortune befalling someone
Speaking about Allāh without knowledge
Authenticity of the story that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم allowed Nasara of Najran to pray inside his Masjid
Is Ignorance a valid excuse for a person who mocks the religion?
Wishing for something to happen without asking Allāh
Regarding Al-Qadar
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