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Author: abu ibrahim
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abu ibrahim
Love for the Companions of the Prophet (ﷺ)
The Awrah of a woman in front of her Mahārim
Fasting the White Days in Sha’baan is Not Prohibited
Beginning fast from the middle of Sha’baan
Do the Children of the Muslims and the Mushrikoon that were abused and died from their abuse go to Paradise?
Confirming the Prohibition of Praying after Asr is at the times the Sun Rises and Sets
Will the punishment of the Uncle of the Prophet increase in the Fire
Using the coffin as a Sutrah for Janazah prayer
If the Imām of congregational prayer breaks wudhū while prostrating
Returning burrowed money in the same currency with increase in exchange rate
Forgetting to mention the name of Allāh whilst slaughtering
Cutting the voluntary prayer to attend to a need
Aqīqah and Udhiyyah with one intention
When is a Masjid called Ad-Dhirār?
A traveler praying ‘Ishā behind a traveler praying Maghrib
Turning on the loudspeaker for the congregational prayer
What is the correct ruling on wearing an iron ring?
Getting married to the person one committed fornication with
What is the ruling on wearing a red thobe?
Seeking the Assistance of Allah and the types of People that Seek Allah’s Assistance
Every Soul Will Taste Death
Takbir on the loudspeakers for Eid
Weakness of Hadith Regarding the Punishment in Grave for the person who prayed without purification
What is the ruling of naming children with some names of animals or birds
Breast Feeding and how it makes unlawful relations as lawful
Al-Hajjāj bin Yusuf and Rebelling against the Ruler
Bid’ah Hasanah – Good Innovation in Islam?
Jihad in the cause of Allāh requires patience and whoever is not patient will fail
What is the meaning of a student being stingy with his time
From knowledge is saying Allāhu A’lam
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