Reciting the supplications aloud after the compulsory prayer

Question :

The esteemed scholar Muhammad bin Salih al-Uthaymeen –may Allaah have mercy on him- was asked:

What is the ruling on reciting the supplications aloud after the compulsory prayer?


Raising the voice with this (remembrance) is a Sunnah, being that the Prophet -peace and salutation be upon him- used to raise his voice and likewise his Companions. Abdullah bin Abbas –may Allaah be pleased with him- said:

The (people) raising their voices in remembrance of Allaah after their completion of the compulsory congregational prayers used to take place during the lifetime of the Prophet.

However, if to your side there is a person completing (what passed him from) his prayer, then in this case do not raise your voice; being that if you were to raise your voice you would disturb him and corrupt his prayer.

The Questioner: (What about) raising the voice after Fajr and Magrib prayers?

The Shaykh: After Fajr, after Magrib, after Dhuhr and Asr and ‘Ishaa, after all prayers.

The Questioner: After Fajr and Magrib (prayers) it is said ten times:

لا إله إلا الله، وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد يحيي ويميت وهو على كل شيء قدير.

(There is nothing worthy of worship besides Allaah alone with no partner, to Him belongs all sovereignty and praise, He gives life and brings death and He capable of doing and all things)

Is this a specific to Fajr and Magrib?

The Answer: Fajr and Magrib (prayers), it is said ten times:

لا إله إلا الله، وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد يحيي ويميت وهو على كل شيء قدير.

(There is nothing worthy of worship besides Allaah alone with no partner, to Him belongs all sovereignty and praise, He gives life and brings death and He capable of doing and all things). Ten times and other than these (two prayers) it is to be said three times.

Liqaat al-baab… (16/231)

A similar question was posed to the prominent scholar Abdul-‘Azeez bin Baz –may Allaah have mercy on him- by a questioner from Los Angeles, America who stated:

Much talk and debate has (taken place) with regards to loudly or silently (performing) the tasbeeh (saying subhanallah) after the obligatory prayers, we hope that your eminence can (us) benefit as to which of the two is better, (performing) the tasbeeh silently or audibly? (Additionally), if (uttering) aloud disturbs those who have been preceded by some units of the prayer, then what is the solution?

His response:

It is established in the Saheehain on the authority of Ibn Abbas -may Allah be pleased him- :

The (people) raising their voices in remembrance of Allaah after their completion of the compulsory congregational prayers used to take place during the lifetime of the Prophet.

Ibn ‘Abbas (further) said: “When I heard the dhikr (remembrances), I would know that the compulsory congregational prayer had concluded.

Therefore, this hadeeth and what has come (containing) its meaning from the narrations of Ibn Zubair and al-Mugeerah bin Shu’bah –may Allaah be pleased with them both- as well as others all indicate the legitimacy of raising one’s voice in remembrance of Allaah when the people conclude the congregational prayers in a manner that it (i.e. ad-dhikr) is heard by the people at the doors of the masjid and those around the masjid so that they are aware of the ending of the (congregational) prayer by way of this.

Also if there is around him someone who is completing the prayer, then it is better that he (i.e. who is performing the dhikr) lowers his voice somewhat, so as not to disturb him (as this) in accordance with other evidences which have come in that (regard).

And in raising the voice with the remembrance of Allaah when the people have completed the congregational prayer there are much benefits, from them: is manifesting the praise of Allaah –subhanahu- for that which he has bestowed upon them from the establishing of this great obligation. And from these (benefits), is teaching the one who is ignorant and reminding the one who has forgotten and had it not been for this, the Sunnah would have been hidden from many of the people.

And with Allaah is success.

It was published in (al-Mujalah al-‘Arabiyah), Issued Shawwal

Majoo’ al-Fatawa Ibn Baz (11/118).

Compiled By: Noble brother Abu Atiyah Mahmood Bin Muhammed.

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