Accepting something like perfume during Jumu’ah while the Imām is delivering the khutbah


If I was listening to the Khutbah on Jumu’ah and someone hands me perfume or a sweet smelling flour, do I take it from them?


This is to be avoided because this from the movements which negate being in a state of listening attentively; which is commanded in a number of Hadith’s, and it’s from the same angle as touching pebbles which is prohibited, Muslim reported in his ‘Sahīh’ on that authority of Abu Hurayrah, that the Prophet ﷺ said:

(من توضأ وأحسن الوضوء ثم أتى الجمعة فاستمع وأنصت؛ غفر له ما بين الجمعة وزيادة ثلاثة أيام، ومن مس الحصى فقد لغا)

“Whoever performs ablution, and perfects it, then goes to the Jumu’ah and listens and pays attention; he will be forgiven for what’s between the two Jumu’ah’s alongside an extra three days, and whoever touches a pebble (i.e fiddles around with it) has committed laghw (something unbefitting)”

And in the two ‘Sahihs’ on the authority of Abu Hurayrah, that the Prophet ﷺ said:

(إذا قلت لصاحبك يوم الجمعة انصت والإمام يخطب؛ فقد لغوت)

“If you say to your companion listen (attentitively), while the Imām is delivering the khutbah, then you have commited laghw (something unbefitting)”

‘Abdurrazāq reported in his ‘musanaf’, from ‘Atā, that he disliked to be trivilous or to move around or to yawn while the Imām is on the mimbar delivering the khutbah.

Similarly, from ‘Ikrimah, that he would prohibit turning pebbles around, and to crack the fingers on Jumu’ah while the Imām is on the mimbar delivering the khutbah.

Look for this and other than this of rulings relating to Jumu’ah, in the book “Ahkām Al-Jumu’ah” of our Shaykh, may Allah preserve him.

Answered by:
Shaykh Abu Hatim Yusuf Al-‘Inaabi Al-Jazaa’iree – may Allah preserve him.


Translated by:
Abu ‘Abdirrahman ‘Abdullaah bin Ahmed Ash-Shingaani.

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