The Character of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ


Allah the Mighty and Majestic said,

{وَإنّكَ لَعَلَى خُلُقٍ عَظِيم}

“And indeed, you are of a great moral character.”[Al-Qalam:4]

The Shaikh explained that this means:

“And verily you, oh Muhammad, are upon an exalted religion, and it is al-Islaam. This was confirmed by Ibn Abbas, Muhaajid, and Ibn Zaid. And it was narrated on Ad- Dahaak, As-Sudi, Abu Malik, and Rabee ibn Anas.

And it was said (that it meant): He ﷺ had great lofty mannerisms. And this was the mannerisms of the Quran which Allaah taught him with, from kindness to the people, forgiveness, overlooking (faults), keeping family ties, commanding the good and forbidding the evil. And there was not a praiseworthy character except that you would find the Prophet ﷺ exceeding in it. And no dispraised characteristic except he was the furthest from it.

And it was reported by Imaam Ahmad with a sound chain of narrators from Abu Huraira (May Allah be pleased with him) who said the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “Verily I have been sent to perfect the good character.”

And certainly there are many clear ahaadith that illustrate the noble character of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and his kindness and high quality of goodness, of which had we enumerated it would have filled volumes in future writings. However, we will mention a few of his characteristics, and they are as follows:

-> He ﷺ was easy going, soft, close to the people, humble not oppressive, stubborn or arrogant. He was not inaccessible to the people nor were they prevented from him.

-> He ﷺ was always accepting the invitation of the one that invited him, even if he was invited to a meal that contained the foot of an animal.

-> He ﷺ took care of the poor and the needy, orphans, widows and others with incapabilities, fulfilling their needs, taking care of their requests, vocalising their virtues.

-> He ﷺ used to satisfy the heart of the one who asked him, not denying him (of what he sought) nor making them turn away in dispair, so long as he had the ability to give it to them. And the ones he found not deserving, he would admonish and remind them (of it’s reality) leaving it up to them if they took it or left it.

-> When his companions ﷺ wanted something from him, and he agreed with them in its regard, he followed them in it, if there was no danger or difficulty involved, nor if it was contrary to his utmost greatfulness to his lord.

-> When he ﷺ decided on a matter he was not dictative to them nor other than them. Rather he would consult those that had expertise in that what relates to them in their fields of expertise.

-> He ﷺ was receptive of their generosity even if it was little, and he was forgiving of their bad conduct, what was not in opposition to Allah’s legislation.

-> He ﷺ would not be with a company of people except that he would be with them in the most complete and best of ways, he would not frown his face, nor be harsh in his speech, nor turn his sight away from the person he was talking to, nor hold slips of the tongue against the person, he would not hold it against the person whatever would take place of rudeness, rather he would be good to the person with the utmost of goodness, and he would excuse him with utmost excuse except in that which he saw the rights of Allaah being transgressed upon, he would become angry for the sake of Allaah, and take the side of his Lord.

-> He ﷺ strove with himself and his wealth to bring about the rectification between the people, one by one or in groups, doing whatever it took to bring the hearts and the people together.

-> He ﷺ was the most modest, more than a virgin in her room, but if he observed that which was offensive or repugnant, it would be known on his face.

-> When he ﷺ saw something that he liked, his face would light up, as if it was a piece of the moon. And when he saw something that offended him, his face would change and he would be rough in his disapproval.

-> He ﷺ was gentle and kind with the orphans and the young children, and when he would pass by them he would give them the salaams. He would joke and play with them and he was not harsh to them.

-> He ﷺ was good to his servants with the utmost kindness and generosity.

-> He ﷺ would visit the sick and attend the funeral prayer of the Muslims.

-> He ﷺ was generous, open handed and unselfish; spending and giving, never fearing poverty or insufficiency.

->He ﷺ would take care of the household chores, helping his family and always joking and playing with them.

-> He ﷺ was truthful, trustworthy, pious, and ever-advising.

-> He ﷺ was the furthest of the people from transgression, wrongdoing, sinfulness, and other blameworthy actions.

-> He ﷺ was the most ascetic of the people in worldly affairs, giving generously that which he possessed here and there.

-> He ﷺ would rule with justice between two disputing parties, not differentiating between those close to him and those who were distant, nor a loved one or an enemy.

-> He ﷺ was the bravest of the people and at the forefront at the battlefields, and the people found firmness with his firmness and and found safety behind him.

-> He ﷺ disliked indecency, obscenity, foul speech, and evil actions.

-> He ﷺ was the best of the people to his neighbors.

Benefited from: Shaikh Abu Abdillah Muhammad Ba Jamaal (May Allah preserve him)


Translated by: Abu Yusuf Bilal ibn Howard Robinson

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