Does Advising have to take a long time?


Does advising the opposers have to take a long time?

Because some of our brothers are advising opposers and spending excessive amounts of time on it, and these actions of theirs it comes across like the [the only type of] guidance [a person is given] is only Hidāyat Tawfīq (a type of guidance which is specific to Allah).


This is from the Tamyī ways which is in opposition to the methodology of the salaf in dealing with those that become deserving of reprimand, being boycotted or being declared innovators, and other than this, each ruling accordingly.

From those that implement this:

Rabee’ Al-Madkhali, may Allah guide him.

Rather he stated in a number of places that he was patient upon individuals, while they had with them innovations and misguidance, seven or eight years or more than this!!

And the people of falsehood throughout this entire time are let loose, and they spread their falsehood, and their followers increase in number, and the doubts take firm holds on their hearts, and their fitnah is magnified and its circle expands.

Due to the silence & leniency to its perpetrator.

At a time when the legislative texts and the methodology of the Salaf have come with the contrary, in what relates to dealing with them, as will be mentioned shortly.

And those that establish this Tamyī methodology are a lot, the likes of:

Abul Hassan, Muhammed Al-Imām, Halabi, and their ilk.

You will find them launching attacks upon Ahlus-sunnah with these likes of hizbi establishments, and they accuse them with hastiness in descending rulings, and that they lack carefulness and being unhurried in the dealing with the opposers, and other than this of these tones that they put off.

Example of this is what Abul Hassan Al-Misri did to the ʿAllāmah Aḥmad an-Najmī, may Allah have mercy upon him, when he [Shaykh An-Najmī] sent him an article, as found in “Tanbīhl Wāfi ‘ala mukhalifāt Abul Hassan Al-Ma’rib” in “Al-Fatāwa al-Jaliyyah” (2/237-239) mentioning him saying:
“Abul Hassan:

This ruling from you O shaykh is far away from the foundations of the methodology of the Salaf and it’s not free from hastiness…”!!

The ‘Allāmah An-Najmi replied with a robust Salafi reply.


I ask you concerning the foundations of the methodology of the Salaf in what relates to ruling a person to be an innovator and him to be boycotted and warned from.

What are these foundations?

And how many are they?

And who from the Salaf spoke with it?…


I will mention to you some statements from the Companions, and those that came after them of the Salaf, which point to that they would rule upon a sinner and the contemptuous with the commands of the legislation.
And similarly the innovators as soon as any contempt was seen from them or innovation or opposition to the legislation, they ruled upon them with what that mistake necessitated of being cursed at, being ridiculed, casting of blame, and the announcement of boycotting.
[Shaykh Abu Hatim: then he mentioned the story of ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with them both, in “Sahih Muslim” with a son of his when he showed objection to the hadeeth of the Prophet ﷺ on his ﷺ prohibition of preventing the women from going to the masjid, saying: “by Allah we will prevent them”, then Ibn ‘Umar swore at him severely, a narrator said concerning it: “I have never heard the likes of this before, ever.”

Likewise the story of ‘Abdullah bin Mughafal in the “two Sahihs” concerning those that he saw throwing pebbles, he informed them with the prohibition of the Prophet ﷺ of this, then when the person did it again he said to him: “I will not talk to you again for this or that amount of time”, and with a similar story of Abu Bakrah found with Ahmed.

Likewise when Imām Ahmed was told that Ibn Abu Qatīlah is saying that the people of Ahlul-Hadīth are a people with no good found with them, he dusted off his clothes and said: “heretic heretic”, similarly when some of what Karabīsi’s book “Al-Mudallisīn” contained was read to him, said:

“He brought together for the opposers what they couldn’t produce as evidence, warn from this man.”

As mentioned in “Sharh ‘Illal At-Tirmidhi” (2/806).
Then Shaykh An-Najmi, after this said:]

Will it be said that those Companions and those Imaams were hasty in giving rulings?!

Or is it that the truth was with them and the mistake with those that opposed them?!!

All praise is due to Allah, I have not been hasty in ruling upon you, I have been taking it slow for about seven months, rather even more, and I would at the beginning say I don’t want to lose a Salafi brother, let me debate with him in a good fashion…after this you still see me to have been hasty with ruling upon you that you are an innovator?

If you say: yes! After investigating these realities, then you are a person of falsehood, and the Prophet ﷺ said:
“Verily I do not fear upon my ummah the extent that I fear the eloquent hypocrite upon them”
[End of speech]

➖And I have discussed this invalid establishment in my book “Miṣbāh adh-Dhullām”
Which is in refutation of Muhammed bin ‘Abdillah Al-Imām.
with further elaboration than what I have mentioned here, for whoever wishes to have more.

And success is granted by Allah.

Answered by:
Shaykh Abu Hatim Yusuf Al-‘Inaabi Al-Jazaa’iree – may Allaah preserve him.


Answered on:
2nd, Safar, 1438H

Translated by:
Abu ‘Abdirrahman ‘Abdullaah bin Ahmed Ash-Shingaani

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