Divorcing wife in her menses

Question :

If a man is separated from his wife for a long time and decides to divorce her. Is it a necessity that he be aware of her being on her menses?

Answer :

It has come in the hadeeth of Ibn Umar radiallahu anhu in Muslim that he divorced his wife while she was on her menses, so the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam ordered him to take her back and divorce her while she is not on her menses; and his first Talaaq (pronouncement of divorce) was counted on him.

So the one who wants to divorce according to the sunnah then he must have knowledge of his wive’s state in this matter.

As for the one who divorces her while she is on her menses then his Talaq is not in concordance to the sunnah, but it is counted as a divorce.

Allah knows the best

Answered by : Noble brother Abu Haroon Muhammad At Taweel

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