Father rejecting marriage proposal from a person of a particular country

Question :

There is a brother who wants to marry a woman whose father says he will marry her to no one that is not from their country please advise on how this should be dealt with?

Answer :

The shaykh hafidahullah said the messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if there comes to you one who you are pleased with his religion and his manners then marry him off it’s a must that if one comes forward for marriage that he is married off one who is of deen and mannerisms however if the father is refusing not because due to his religion or mannerisms rather due to the fact for other reasons which he sees best for the long term of his daughter perhaps he wants his daughter to be close to him and this individual may live in another country and he may take her away and live somewhere far or from these types of circumstances then in this situation then there is nothing wrong with him to look for someone who has deen and mannerisms from the same country as him.

Answered by : Shaykh Abu Ishaaq Al Qaisee


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