Supplication in prostration of recitation

Question :

Is there a specific supplication for Soojood Tilaawat as some people claimed or there is no Duaa?

Answer :

Al Imam Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al Ameer As Sana’ni said in his book Subulussalam

And know that there are reports for Dhikr for Sajdah At tilawah that a person says :

سجد وجهي لله الذي خلقه، وصوره، وشق سمعه وبصره، بحوله وقوته

Reported by Ahmad, reporters of Sunan, Al Hakim, Al Baihaqi and Authenticated by Ibn Sakan and added “Three times” and Al Hakim added at the end

فتبارك الله أحسن الخالقين

(Reported by Abu Dawood (1414), At Tirmidee (580) and Shaykh Al Albani Authenticated this narration – Translator as per notes in the book)

And in the hadeeth of Ibn Abbas that Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam use to say in Sajdah of Recitation

اللهم اكتب لي بها أجراً وحط عني بها وزراً، واجعلها لي عندك ذخراً، وتقبلها مني كما تقبلتها من عبدك داود

(Reported by At Tirmidee (579) and Shaykh Al Albani graded this Hadeeth as Hasan  – Translator as per notes in the book)

End of saying of Al Imam Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al Ameer As Sana’ani


Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen said as in Majmoo Fatawa wa Rasaail Ibn Uthaymeen (question 883)

Question : Is there is specific Dua for Sajdah At tilawah ?

Answer :

The Shaykh said : Sajdah Tilawah is like other Sujood. The prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam said

When the verse سبح اسم ربك الأعلى revealed “ Read it in your Sujood”.

And there is difference on authenticity of this Hadeeth among scholars.
(Reported by Abu Dawood (869), Shaykh Al Albani graded this hadeeth as weak,  – Translator)

And upon that we say : If a person make Sajdah for recitation he says the following :

سبحان ربي الأعلى
سبحانك اللهم ربنا وبحمدك، اللهم اغفر لي
اللهم لك سجدت، وبك آمنت، ولك أسلمت،
سجد وجهي لله الذي خلقه، وصوره، وشق سمعه وبصره، بحوله وقوته
اللهم اكتب لي بها أجراً وحط عني بها وزراً، واجعلها لي عندك ذخراً، وتقبلها مني كما تقبلتها من عبدك داود

And if a person didn’t memorize the above there is no problem to recite other dua.

End of Fatwa of Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen

Shaykh Abu Amr Al Hajoori Hafidahullah said the Ahadeeth reported about Dikhr in Sajdah Tilwah are weak and hence we recite what we recite in other Sujood like Sujood of Salah.

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