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Has Coronavirus been mentioned in the Qur’ān?
Establing the congregational prayers outside closed masājid
Is it allowed for a person to revise the Quran while he is chewing qaat?
Which is more eloquent to say: ‘zowjuka’ or ‘zowjatuka’ (your wife)?
Is the congregation considered a condition for the validation of the prayer?
Benefits Regarding Naming Children
Important notice about praying at home due to the corona virus
Journeys to other than the 3 masaajid for I’tikaaf
A clarification & a meaning of the hadeeth: “Whichever woman takes off her clothes in a place other than her husband’s house…”
Are Haarut and Maarut from the angels or are they from the jinn?
What is Tahneek and It’s Benefits?
What is the Ruling on giving Charity behalf of Parents after their Death?
What is the ruling on shaving the head of the Newborn?
Is taking the down payment permissible?
When is the time for the morning and evening remembrances?
Is sugar sufficient to be given as Zakaat-ul-Fitr?
What is the Ruling on Reciting Surah Kahf on Friday ?
What is the Ruling on Approaching one’s wife during her menses?
What is the meaning of “Upon you is my Sunnah & the Sunnah of the Khulafā Ar-Rashidēn”
Does the one praying by himself say ‘Ameen’ after reading suratul faatihah?
Ruling on women disobeying husband and Uncovering the Awrah stating Age as a Reason
What is the ruling on writing verses from the Qur’an with saffron, then to dissolve it in water and sprinkle it on sick for treatment?
Is the aqeeqah to be done (for the baby who died of miscarriage) if a soul has been blown into it?
Slight exposure of feet in salaah doesn’t harm the woman if she covers it
Is Wudhu Nullified if he Wiped the Khuff, then Removed it and wore it again?
What’s the criterion of wealth whereby accepting charity is no longer permissible?
Advice related to precautionary measures against the spread of corona virus (COVID-19) – On using alcohol based soap, refraining to shake hands and making circles of knowledge
What’s the ‘Ilmul Kalaam’ (the sciences of discourse/rhetoric) which the people of knowledge despise?
Is there a specific number of major sins? Or is it not of a specific number?
How is a Muslim saved from trials?
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