
When is the time of zakātul-fitr of Ramadhān?

Who to give zakātul-fitr to when time is restricted

Giving Zakatul Fitr and Zakat of Crops as Money

Can I Delay Zakatul Fitr, If the Eligible Person is Far?

Dates Prepared for Breaking Fast in Ramadan, How to Handle what Remains after Ramadan?

Social Distancing While Praying Behind an Imam

What’s the ruling on making ghusl specifically for the ‘Eid prayer?

How, where and with whom to pray the ‘eid prayer under existing COVID preventative measures

Salaatul ‘Eid for the one it has not been made easy for him to come out or for the one who is unable.

From the means of repelling affliction is the congregational and Friday prayer

Praying ‘Eid prayer at home as a repayment of a missed prayer when not able to attend the ‘Eid prayer in its usual place

Should you listen to religious scholars about non-religious issues?

Is Donations to COVID-19 Patients considered Zakat ?

Can you enter a plague infected country due to an emergency?

Are muslims allowed to supplicate for wordly benefits for disbelievers?

What should you do if the Imam offers the qunoot supplication due to the corona virus?

Is it obligatory to obey the ruler if he outlaws public gatherings such as circles of knowledge?

Should Muslims stop greeting one another with handshakes and embraces amidst the outbreak of the corona virus?

Can alcohol be used to clean objects and appliances?

Where should the muathin pray after he has made the athaan in a closed masjid?

Do you advise secretly praying in congregation inside the masjid, if possible?

Establishing the congregational prayers outside closed masājid?

Is corona virus a valid reason not to pray in congregation?

The Corona Virus: Wisdom, Cause & Solution as prescribed by The Qur’ān and Sunnah

Is it obligatory to perform the ghusl of jum’ah if you are praying dhur at home?

Should the muathin proclaim “pray in your homes” during the athaan because the masājid are closed?

Can you pray Jumu’ah at home due to the closure of the masājid?

Washing and shrouding Muslims that have died due to the corona virus

What is the ruling of Adaan and Iqamah for the one who pray alone in his home?

Are Muslims allowed to supplicate for wordly benefits for disbelievers?