
Praying alone behind a row

Recitation behind an Imām

Praying before the Adhān has been called

The ruling of praying the funeral prayer upon those who have partially or completely abandoned the obligatory prayers

Completing the sunnah prayer at the hearing of the iqāmah

Praying behind a persistent sinner or a person of innovation

Is the one who abandons the prayer a disbeliever and will he be in the hellfire forever?

Closing the masjids for prayers due to the Coronavirus

Is the hadith concerning Salah in Bayt ul-Maqdis authentic?

Combining between different adhkār in rukū’u and sujūd

Using Google Location or GPS to Identify Qiblah?

What does one do if one had to cross over graves to reach the Masjid?

Fajr prayer for the one suffering from lack of sleep

Not having water for Wudhū’ but accessible somewhat nearby

Dua when Leaving to Masjid for Fajr?


Raising the hands in the prayer

Laughing in prayer

Does Reciting During Salah without Moving Lips Invalidate Salah?

The Ruling on Praying with Every Person a Meter Apart from One Another

The Ruling On People Making Adhaan In The Streets And Above Their Houses To Ward Off The Coronavirus

Is it Permissible to Follow Social Distancing During Salah Or is it an Innovation?

Worshiping Allah is a means of cure!!

Social Distancing While Praying Behind an Imam

What’s the ruling on making ghusl specifically for the ‘Eid prayer?

How, where and with whom to pray the ‘eid prayer under existing COVID preventative measures

Salaatul ‘Eid for the one it has not been made easy for him to come out or for the one who is unable.

From the means of repelling affliction is the congregational and Friday prayer

Praying ‘Eid prayer at home as a repayment of a missed prayer when not able to attend the ‘Eid prayer in its usual place

What should you do if the Imam offers the qunoot supplication due to the corona virus?