
Whoever says ‘Laa ilaaha illaa Allaah’ and disbelieves in that which is worshipped besides Allaah, then his wealth and blood become prohibited, and his reckoning is with Allaah

Calling to Allah, Not to yourself or your party

The Fear of Shirk

Whoever actualizes Tawheed will enter Jannah without reckoning

The virtue of Tawheed and what it expiates of sins

What is the purpose behind the creation of Humans and Jinn??

Hadith: The hour will not be established until it’s not said on earth: “Allaah, Allaah.”

Who Built The Ka’bah?

Who are the Jabariyyah?

Is Al-Mu’tee from the Names of Allaah?

The reasons for bad consequences for the people is that they inclined towards politics and distanced from seeking light from the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger

Your life won’t be in order except by traversing upon the Noor (light) of Allaah

Do not be a slave of Dunya

Does Allah accept the tawbah of the apostate or the innovator

Allaah created the stars for three (purposes)

Whoever ascribes to Islam and died upon major shirk before the proof reaching him

Does the verse that Allah only accepts from the pious mean the sinners deeds are not accepted?

Is the punishment of the grave an expiation of sins?

In which hand is the book given for the people who enter the fire due to Major Sins?

What’s the meaning of Zindeeq?

Names of some of the companions of the prophet ﷺ from the jinn and some benefits regarding the jinn

Leave of the Dunya or you will be a Loser

If someone has doubt about what he is upon does he make dua to Allah to keep him firm upon it if it’s the truth

Benefit Concerning Inward and outward Adalah (Trustworthiness)

Make use of your time before it is lost

Evil is not attributed to the actions of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, but evil is attributed to the created

Tawhīdl [Mursil – the sender] and Tawhīdl [Mursal – the one sent]

The greatest action that brings one closer to Allah

Do forgiven sins remain recorded in the scrolls

Does Islam increase and decrease like Eman