Journeys to other than the 3 masaajid for I’tikaaf

Our Shaykh, the ‘Allaamah, the Sincere Adviser, Abu ‘Abdirrahman Yahya bin ‘Ali Al-Hajoori – may Allaah preserve him.

Question: A man comes from San’aa or Aden to this mosque (damaaj) for no other purpose other than i’tikaaf, is this considered to be a form of extensive travelling ?

Answer: It’s incumbent that he comes with the intention of seeking knowledge, whether it’s the case he comes from San’aa, Aden or further than that. For indeed this way he shall be rewarded for his journey.

Travelling in search for knowledge has a tremendous virtue. If he comes with the intention of seeking knowledge thereafter if he wills he can do I’tikaaf or if he wills he doesn’t do I’tikaaf. As for the case of him coming for no other the purpose except with the intention of I’tikaaf then

• Firstly this (action) is not accepted, for it is incumbent upon everyone that comes and settles amongst us is a student of knowledge

• Secondly this travelling for other than the purpose of seeking of knowledge towards a masjid is inappropriate since its not befitting except towards the three masaajid (1).

And indeed those that come, they dont come here for the purpose of the masjid rather they come here to study and learn therefore they’re rewarded for their intentions and their travelling.

Translated from kanzu Thameen Vol.3 chapter of fasting & I’tikaaf No.1058

1) shaykh here is referring to the hadeeth of the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم و سلم
*No journey should be made to visit mosques except for three: this mosque of mine [in Madeenah], al-Masjid al-Haraam [in Makkah] and al-Masjid al-Aqsa [in al-Quds/Jerusalem] (Narrated by al-Bukhaari & Muslim)

Translated by : Abu Nu’aym Abduraheem Bin Muhummed Bin Ali