Telling lie to father to seek knowledge

Question :

A brother wants to go seek islamic knowledge. But his father told him that he should work for awhile and then go. But the brother is eager to leave darul kufr and he has some money to be able to leave. But he wants to tell his gather that he is going to visit relatives in yemen and then later call his father that he is not coming back. Is this action correct for him to do?

Answer :

First the brother must try to make it understand to his father about the issue of seeking knowledge and how wajib it is, if the father is still not pleased with brother’s action, then the brother need to be very serious about his decision and he need to tell his father that he is leaving and he is going to seeking knowledge rather then doing the other action which is making him think that he is going to come back after he left the land of kufr.

Allah said :

“And whosoever fears Allah and keep his duty to Allah, Allah will make a way out for him to get out”

So the brother needs to stick to the truth and Allah will make easy for him.

Answered by : Shaykh Abdul Basit


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