Advices regarding memorization of ahadeeth and manners of attending duroos

An Advice from our Shaykh Muhammad Hizaam al-Ba’daani (حفظه الله) on the method of gaining perfection in that which one studies?

Question :

What is the best method to perfect what one has learned from the various branches like Aqeedah, Fiqh, Nahw and Mustalah ?

Answer :

The best way is to learn at the hands of a teacher, yes, from one who will benefit you in that segment and do not come out of a lesson except that you have comprehended it. If you haven’t gained comprehension, then ask the teacher until you do and likewise examine yourself with the brothers and revise but do not move onto the next until you have understood the first. Also one must memorize the evidences, if he is able to. Memorize the evidences from the Kitaab and the Sunnah, and the issues, from Fiqh & Aqeedah, connected to it along with its evidences. Then, also, revise the lessons that were taken. For example, everyday, revise the previous lesson before attending the next. Do not attend a lesson except that the one before it has been revised – Revise the benefits – and at the end of the week repeat what you’ve gone through during the whole week along with memorizing the evidences of that which it contained.

Question :

What is the best method to revise Ahadeeth and Mutoon which are being memorized?

Answer :

It’s the same method; take a companion in memorizing and repeat what is being memorized until it is memorized. Do not take a second Hadeeth until the first one is perfected in your memory. Do not burden yourself, but take according to your capacity and strength. So if you find 2 or 3 Hadeeth (is within your capability), then do not burden yourself with 5 or 10, but give importance for perfection within your capability. Because, for you to memorize 1 or 2 Hadeeth a day with perfection is better than memorizing 5, unevenly, without perfecting it. So give importance to perfecting, and give importance to perfect the previous one before going to the next. Then read it out to your companion from that which you have memorized and repeat and revise. Then repeat on the second day with the listener. And on the third day likewise, repeat and revise with the listener and go over what you did on day 1, 2 and 3. And likewise, 4 days, 5 days, repeating from the beginning, you will have, in shaa’ Allah done much means to attain perfection in it. Also revise at the weekend and go over it again and then again revise at the middle of the month and go over from the beginning of the book. Then revise at the end of the month from the beginning etc.

Translated by : Abu Saudah Fahad at-Trishooree
Verified by : Abu Haroon Muhammad as-Somaali

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