Don’t rely on your intelligence


Our Shaykh Yahyaa may Allaah preserve him and take care of him said: “Don’t rely on your intelligence. Intelligence doesn’t suffice! It’s a must for there to be success from Allaah and distinction, for indeed if you rely upon your intelligence, you will find someone who is more intelligent than you, and this one who is more intelligent than you means he will overpower you with his smartness and his tongue and his gifts and his numerous dealings until he has you in his pocket, so don’t rely upon intelligence.”

Benefited from: Shaykh, the Allamah, the Trustworthy Advisor, Abu Abdirrahman Yahya bin Ali Al-Hajuri – may Allah preserve him.


Translated by: Abū ‘Abdillāh ‘Omar bin Yahya Al-‘Akawi