Benefit Regarding Chain of Narrators of Hadith


He said: “Fulaan bin Fulaan narrated to us and ‘Iddah”
He said: “Iddah bin who? may Allaah have mercy on you”
He said: “Iddah bin ‘I lost you.”

Our Shaykh Yahyaa may Allaah preserve him said: “The people of Hadith used to take conveyers, so one of them would stand on count of his hearing the voice of the Muhaddith, then another would stand after him on the count of his hearing the first conveyer and so on and so forth, they would convey to the people what the Muhaddith is saying, and from that is that he said:

حدثنا فلان بن فلان وعدة،قال عدة بن من يرحمك الله؟

Fulaan bin Fulaan narrated to us and ‘Iddah’, he said: ‘Iddah bin who may Allaah have mercy on you,

and عدة (‘Iddah) of the Muhadditheen meaning عدد من المحدثين (A number of Muhadditheen), and the conveyer thought that عدة (‘Iddah) is a man from the narrators, a person from the narrators, it was said:

عدة بن من يرحمك الله؟ قال: عدة بن فقدتك

“Iddah bin who may Allaah have mercy on you?” He said: “Iddah bin ‘I lost you”, meaning the conveyer didn’t understand the meaning of عدة (‘Iddah) like so and like that;

عدة – عدد من الناس

(‘Iddah – A number of people).”

Benefited from: Shaykh, the Allamah, the Trustworthy Advisor, Abu Abdirrahman Yahya bin Ali Al-Hajuri – may Allah preserve him.


Translated by: Abu ‘Abdillāh ‘Omar bin Yahya Al-‘Akawi